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2013 Photo Blog
Late December

Pete on a cold day . . .

Ruby on a cold day . . .

Ruby on a walk . . . .

Ruby leaps in for the attack . . .
Early December

Ruby on a very, very, very cold day - about -23 C here

Landscape in Pete & Ruby's yard

Merry Christmas . . . .

Early November


Ruby in the snow . . . .

Late October

Ruby Zoomie . . .

The attack . . . .

The retaliation . . .

More retaliation!!!

Ruby . . . . the day after the storm . . .

Crabapples . . . . during the storm

Ruby and Pete, having fun on a prairie walk. The day before the storm


Horsing around with Pete and Ruby . . . . .

Fresh bear tracks . . . . . this bruin went for a swim across the lake

Ruby, looking for trouble in all the wet places

Mid October

Ruby loses a leg to Pete

A camouflaged Ruby chows down at sunset

Just kidding around with Ruby

Hiking with Ruby

Running and fighting!!!

Early October

Sunset with Pete & Ruby



The changing of seasons, Ruby and Pete at home

End September

Pete's favourite time of the year . . . . crabapple time!!!

Ruby, in the tall grass at sunset . . . . .

Early Fall, but winter is close by

Mid September

Ruby, on an Epik Journey

. . . . . with Pete, ridge walking . . . .

In the weird forest . . . .

. . . . with Pete too . . . .

Ruby . . . .

. . . . going the wrong way . . .

Crossing a stream to get back to the truck

Mid August

Reflections . . . . . Ruby swims

Ruby investigates

How do I get down there?!!!" Pete struggled for a bit trying to figure out what Ruby was doing

But then he got it . . . . . . but we had to leave to keep ahead of the thunderhead closing in.

End of July

Pete explores the shores of Chain Lake in mid-summer. A favourite walk at any time of the year.

Pete waits in the weeds, waiting for Ruby to find him

Trekking along Chain Lake with Pete & Ruby. Free walking for miles. 

Mid July

Ruby enjoys a windy, summer day at her prairie home

Pete finds his way through the tall grass of his prairie home

Ruby walks the Sheep River Gorge

Ruby and Pete on a hike west of Longview. The Highwood River is below, having recently flooded the area and the community of High River further downstream

Ruby inspects a crossing of the Sheep River, damaged by flooding and impassable west of Bluerock

Mid May

Drama at sunse . . . . . Ruby and Pete attend to some errant elk on the other side of their fence

Pete at home on the prairie . . . 

A new summer is coming for Pete . . . .

Pete and Ruby were clapping their paws in delight watching this guy go over a falls on the Sheep River . . . . . he lived!!!

Pete and Ruby, on the trail . . . 

Spring in the mountains

Ruby eyes the climb still to come . . . . we walked up Junction Mt.


Pete (right) fords a stream with Ruby not far behind. Walking the prairie.

Our Osprey friend . . . . . she and her mate didn't divebomb us this time. Both have been coming to this lake shore and this landing pad for years. 

Late April

Ruby stops to ponder the view . . . .

Ruby keeps Pete on edge!!!

Early March

Ruby, on the climb

Pete, out west, finding some exposed ground after a big melt

Pete leads the way back to the house for dinner

Airborne Pete, trying to dodge a Ruby attack!!

Late February

Skyler . . . . . you never know where you'll find him

Early February

Driving west until the road ends

Late January

Ruby and Pete, taking advantage of limited snow cover in the mountains


Mid January

Ruby, in the forest after a recent blizzard with the low sun of a mid-winter day.

Pete and Ruby . . . . . road walking using a snowmobile track in mid-winter

Early January

Ruby enjoys a walk along icy and windswept Barrier Lake

Ruby wants to go out there but the ice was grumbling

Walking along Barrier Lake, mostly clean of snow from the constant wind. The faint lines in the picture are power lines running along the lakeshore.  

New Years Day!!

Pete's view . . . 

Ruby roams . . . . . . by a quirk of atmospherics, the skyscrapers of Calgary, a couple of rectangles just on the horizon, could be seen above Ruby and slightly to the left, even though they're about 100 km in the distance.

Ruby up high

Pete investigates while Ruby keeps watch





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